Find a Nanny

Our team of nanny agents are standing by and ready to assist you with finding the perfect nanny for your family.  Fortunately we are constantly finding great nanny candidates across the U.S. and here is a quick listing of some that have signed up with us today:

10 Most Recent Nannies Signing Up Today

Alicia Pilgrim GardensPennsylvania
Fist MpinaFrankfordNew York
AaliyahGarfieldNew Jersey
KimberleySanta MonicaCalifornia
NashebaBrooklynNew York

Our fees for helping you find a nanny are really simple and straight forward.  We will go over them in more detail with you but there is an upfront fee of $199.00 for us to advertise your position and then a success fee of either $999 or $99/month for 12 months (only due when we successfully find you a caregiver).  You get to pick whether you want to save some money and pay our placement fee upfront or if you want to spread it out over the first year of having your new nanny.

Click Here to Sign Up and Get More Information on Our Nanny Placement Services

Our Guarantee

We offer a 90-day guarantee on our nanny placements based upon the nanny’s start date. This simply means that if you determine that the nanny is not working out for you within the first 90 days, then you can request for us to replace that caregiver at no additional cost. This applies only to the first replacement, but we find that replacement requests are extremely rare.

10 Rules You Should Follow to Find Your Next Nanny

Finding a nanny is no easy task, especially if this is the first time you’ve attempted to do it. There are a lot of nannies out there, but how do you know which one would fit in with your family? You do not want to just pick the first person you come across. They will be taking care of your children, after all. So what do you look for? What rules do you follow to find the perfect nanny for your family?

  1. Know what you need – The first rule to finding a nanny is to know what you need. These are make-or-break things that will not change. Maybe you need a nanny that can drive, one that can speak multiple languages, or one that is available on weekends. Whatever the case, make sure you know what your needs are before you start interviewing.
  2. Know what you want – Going along with rule one, rule two is about knowing what you want. This is your wish list. Things you would like to see in a nanny, but that are not mandatory. Maybe you would like a nanny that is willing to do the laundry, or one that will take your child to soccer practice twice a week. Things that would help you out, but not really vital. If you can find a nanny that meets your needs and your wants, then great. If not, know where the line is and what you are willing to give up.
  3. Know the problem spots – Every family has problem areas. You may be smokers. You may have pets. Your child might have special needs or medications. Whatever the case is, know what you need to tell the nannies you interview. It could be that you find the perfect nanny, but she is not willing to deal with those issues. If you communicate those beforehand, you’ll run into fewer problems later on.
  4. Follow the steps – There are steps to hiring a nanny. Follow them. If you skip around, try to do it yourself, or just ignore a step or two, you could run into problems later on. Simple things like background checks and verifications can make your life so much easier if you just go step by step.
  5. Remember the kids – Your children have a say in this, too. Remember that they are the ones who will spend the most time with the nanny, so let them have a say in who you hire. I’m not telling you to let the kids choose, but once you have narrowed down the prospects, get their input. You might be surprised at the insights they have.
  6. Go with your gut – You hate to make decisions based on anything but logic and reasoning, but sometimes you just have a gut feeling about people. Go with your gut. If the nanny you interview seems perfect on paper but gives you a bad feeling, then keep looking. Sometimes your gut knows more than your brain does.
  7. Have a schedule – Know when you will need the nanny. Weekends? After work? On vacation? If you have the schedule already set out at the beginning, you will have fewer issues later on. Know when you will need the nanny and how often schedule changes will occur.
  8. Have a plan – You need to figure out what’s going on with your life. If the kids are going to have to be taken to basketball lessons during the season, then you need to plan for that. If you will be out of town on business for a week, then plan for that. By planning ahead, for a year or more, you can give your potential nannies an idea of what their hours will be like and some of the issues they might encounter before you hire them.
  9. Be prepared – Nannies need certain things. If you want them to drop off and pick up the kids; do you have a car for them to drive? Do you have food in the fridge or a way for the nanny to get groceries? Do you have a list of emergency contacts? Does the school know it is okay for the nanny to pick up your kids? Make sure you have everything ready before you hire.
  10. Interview more than one – Last but not least, interview more than one nanny. I know you fell in love with the very first one, but take your time and interview at least one more. How do they compare? Do you see any issues that might become a problem in the future? Will they fit in with your family? Don’t make a snap decision and regret it later.

No matter what your family’s needs are, there is a nanny out there for you. All you have to do is follow these simple rules and you are sure to find someone you’ll love. Plan ahead, take your time, and make sure that you know exactly what you are looking for.